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Studying Leadership Skills

Orchestra Conductor on Stage

Introducing our Research


Leaders can be seen in all fields. They are conductors, chefs, coaches, teachers. Leaders can be found at every age, in every race, within every environment.


Yet, these individuals are not often identified and supported in school settings.


Project Brilliance is designed to fill that gap, to find and develop our brilliant leaders!


Study 1: 
Recognizing Student Leaders

In this first study, we are exploring how teachers, parents, and other school personnel recognize and describe student leaders.


Tell us your own stories about student leaders by leaving us a message!

Chef at Work
Volleyball Team

Study 2: 
Measuring Leadership Development

In this second study, we are piloting different methods for assessing leadership skills, including student interviews, performance assessments, and observations.


Study 3: 
Synthesizing Existing Leadership Studies

Finally, we are also reviewing and synthesizing all of the existing studies examining leadership in p12 students. We will be sharing this systematic literature review soon!

Stay Tuned!


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