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Twice Exceptional Titans:
Unleashing Brilliance with Understanding
IAG 2023

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Discover the hidden talents and challenges of twice exceptional (2e) students by exploring their unique executive functioning and environmental needs! In this session, we will present real 2e students’ stories to highlight possible 2e characteristics, needs, and how you can best support these often-overlooked students. You will leave equipped with practical strategies and knowledge to support the development of these students, while enhancing your teaching skills and creating an inclusive classroom. Join us for an engaging session on how you can make a difference in the lives of these brilliant students! 

Join a Facebook Support Group

It can be really helpful to meet others going through the same joys and frustrations!

Remember you are not alone!

  • Twice Exceptional/ 2E Network International​

  • 2e Twice Exceptional: Parents & Professionals Support Tribe​

  • The Neurodiversity Podcast Advocacy & Support Group

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