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Study Information

Study Title: Project Brilliance: Perspectives on Creativity and Leadership


IRBNet: #2124967


Purpose: Collect perspectives and stories about student leaders and creators. All stories will remain anonymous as our collection system does not record phone numbers, emails, or any other information.

Official Consent Information


Funding Source

This work is funded through Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program, United States Department of Education PR/Award #S206A220014.


Study Purpose and Rationale

The purpose of this study is to collect teachers’, parents’, administrators’, and researchers’ perceptions of developing student creativity and leadership skills. These perceptions are important information to develop curriculum to support all students.


Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

All participants must be over the age of 18.


Participation Procedures and Duration

There are a total of 6 survey questions, taking less than 5 minutes, and then, there is an additional option to share stories of creativity and leadership, which could take up to an additional 5 minutes. In total, participation may take up to 10 minutes. It can be completed online, either during or after a conference presentation at a conference center OR at the location of your choice. ALL DATA WILL BE ANONYMOUS.


Audio, Video, or Photography 

If participants are interested in sharing additional stories, they will be able to submit a recording of their story. This is completely optional. If they want to type their story, they will be able to do that as well. We will delete all recordings as soon as the stories have been transcribed.


Data Confidentiality or Anonymity

All data will be maintained as anonymous. Further, no identifying information such as names will appear in any publication or presentation of the data.  


Data Security, Storage, and Retention Period

We will not collect identifying information. The participants might add in identifying information into their open-ended responses. If this occurs, researchers will delete any identifying information before analysis. We will keep the data in a secure location, specifically a password protected, university sponsored file storage system, OneDrive. Only approved project personnel will have access to the data. These data will be kept for 15 years. This is to ensure time to publish the results and to respond to any questions regarding the data after publication.


Future Research  

Your data won’t be used or shared for future research studies beyond this current study.


Risks or Discomforts

There are no perceived risks for participating in this study.



The benefit of participation is contributing to the design of future curriculum and professional learning opportunities for school personnel.


Voluntary Participation 

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw your permission at any time for any reason without penalty or prejudice from the investigator.  Please feel free to ask any questions of the investigator! Your decision will not affect your relationship with the research team personnel. You can withdraw from the study at any time, but because no identifying information is collected, the researchers will not be able to delete any responses.


IRB Contact Information

For questions about your rights as a research subject, please contact the Office of Research Integrity, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, (765) 285-5052 or at



Project Brilliance: Perspectives on Creativity and Leadership

IRBNet #2124967


You may print a copy of this consent form for your records.

When you click on the  “Agree” button, it indicates that:


  • You have read the above information.

  • You voluntarily agree to participate.

  • You are 18 years of age or older.


Researcher Contact Information

Principal Investigator:                                                 

Lisa DaVia Rubenstein, PhD

Educational Psychology

Ball State University

Muncie, IN, 47306

Telephone: (765)285-8500


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